ALV Services


We develop solutions for franchise centers in critical areas: Development, internal organization of the service center and network restructuring.
The most common example and where ALV provides the most experience is the case in which the General Management, in accordance with its strategic objectives, commissions the internal reorganization of the franchise and growth headquarters, on a temporary basis, ALV Brokers & Franchising. These services are aimed at adapting the service center based on the value chain, reorganizing the structure of the franchised network (promoting the points that provide greater value, making acquisitions and sales of own assets to the network and to new franchisees), and expansion with new franchised units and relocation of points of sale or business units.

Development Services

The Expansion services aim to accelerate the growth of the franchise network and thus directly increase income to decisively impact the income statements. These can have different forms and paths from the strategic audit with a growth plan, coaching the company's expansion staff, direct execution of the promotion of the franchised network, relocations of business units, acquisitions and recruitment of new franchisees. See ALV STAR EXPANSION

Reorganization of the franchised network

Balance in the franchise network is one of the fundamental objectives of the General Management to be successful in change, especially in times of difficulty. ALV presents its rearrangement services to promote the best profiles and franchise areas and avoid the extra costs of the most deficient units.
In this service, ALV presents its strategic management models and its field management services.

Crisis management

The franchise contractual relationship is delicate, especially in the internal management of its network. ALV presents its outsourcing services for the General Management in crisis management.

General Outsourcing and Document Management Services

And of course, the partners of ALV Brokers & Franchising develop all franchise management in Outsourcing so that the franchise headquarters can carry out all activities with the best senior management:
- Definition and construction of the organization model.
- Construction of the concept.
- Brand and services creation.
- Creation of the franchise documentary package.
- Management Manuals, Corporate Image, Merchandising and Infrastructure.
- Franchise contract.
- Development documents.
- Definition of general policies: Annual Director Plan.
- Definition and creation of internal management and commercial direction newsletters.
- Creation of the training and personal development center.
- Marketing Management, strategies and management of the advertising fund.
- Supervision of the accounting of the franchised units.
- Development Management.
- Management of Operations to the franchised members.


ALV Brokers & Franchising

Orient 78-84 plt 1 of 4                   08172 St Cugat del Vallés                +34661460048                       

Nuestros servicios

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